Economic Development Strategies Launches Newsletter

New Source of Insights and Key Trends for Developers and Municipalities

The leadership team at Economic Development Strategies (EDS) launched a Newsletter to help real estate developers and municipality leaders with spotting new insights, understanding key trends in their markets and making connections to potential decision makers and deal flow. Be sure to subscribe today!

To learn more about how the team at EDS can help you get your projects over the goal line and get regulators and key stakeholder on board, please visit Economic Development Strategies.

Dave Sutton

Dave Sutton is a leading authority today on Transformational Marketing– enabling businesses to reach, connect and engage with customers in a way that gives them a reason to care, a reason to buy, a reason to advocate and, most important of all, a reason to stay. He is the founder of TopRight, LLC– a Transformational Marketing firm that helps companies move to the top right quadrant of their competitive frame, and corner the markets where they choose to compete. TopRight’s 3S Playbook model of the right Story, the right Strategy, and the right Systems turns sales transactions into customer experiences that connect and communicate why you do what you do and what difference it makes for your customers. Dave is also the co-author of Enterprise Marketing Management: The New Science of Marketing- the ground-breaking book considered to be the definitive statement of a new business discipline designed to create sustained, profitable, organic growth.

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